“Who you are is good enough, if only you would be it openly.”
- Carl RogersWhat I have discovered over the years of doing this inner work is that so many of us share similar stories that stem from the same point of origin, a disconnection from our own sense of self-worth.

Let me guess...
- You’ve hidden in the shadows and played small for longer than you can remember
- You’ve denied parts of who you are because it was easier to bend and conform to the roles expected of you
- You’ve put yourself last in service to all of those around you and wondered why there was nothing left of you
- You have no idea what your dreams, wishes and desires are
I can tell you from experience
that you can’t expect to receive from others what you refuse to give to yourself. I have spent a good portion of my life trying to be like others and do like others, never realizing that I was operating from a deficit, I had no overflow from which to give because I never tapped into my endless source, which was me and my connection to the Divine within me. I was walking around burnt out, tired, depleted, wondering why my life didn’t look like others’ and asking why things were so difficult. It wasn’t until I gave myself permission to remember who I truly was that my world began to shift.
For whatever reason, I came into this world somehow feeling that I was a burden, that I needed to earn my right to take up space, to exist. That lead to a life of never feeling worthy by simply being but instead feeling the need to do, to please, to pay my price for admission. I was a good girl, a people pleaser and as a result, I became more and more disconnected from my heart’s desire, my purpose, my joy, my true self.
The birth of my son was an awakening for me. With him needing so much of me, I realized how little I had allowed myself. I had never given myself permission to ask for help. I thought that it would show weakness, that I would be considered a burden versus an asset. I struggled in silence under the constant self-imposed pressure of chasing perfect.
I learned quickly that I could not be a perfect mother, no matter how hard I tried. There were always things that were out of my control, variables that I could never plan for and it was in the midst of trying to wrap my brain around who I was without the chase, that I began to connect with the part of me that was worthy simply because.
Twelve years after living up to my “good girl” status and getting my law degree, I got my Masters in Spiritual Psychology, something I did for me. The deep inner work that I did guided me on a journey back to me and as a result, my path became my purpose. I stand before you, a fierce advocate for the woman who lies within each of us, the woman you were born to be.
I founded my coaching practice in 2012 after recognizing that I could not keep these life-transforming skills and tools that I had learned from Spiritual Psychology and Positive Psychology to myself. I had to “take it to the streets” as my own personal journey had now imbued me with a sense of purpose that extended well beyond just me. I empower women to love and reclaim ALL parts of themselves and then get them to show up in the world from that place of unshakable truth and unlimited power.
My credentials if you need them: I hold a B.A. in Psychology and French from Duke University, a J.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a Masters degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica, am Certified in Positive Psychology (CIPP) – Certified by Professor Tal Ben-Shahar of Harvard University and Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health) and trained in expressive arts.