“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
- Carl JungI am so happy that you are here! This is the first step to living that purposeful, passionate and fully expressed life you were born to have!
So now that you are here, what will our work look like?
I am here to a give you the tools you’ll need to become a woman of your own authority
You will:
- Break Down the old stories, lies and limitations that you have allowed to run your life and instead build a solid foundation built on the truth.
- Break Through to YOUR true underlying desires, the ones you’ve kept tucked away waiting for that “someday”.
- Break Open to a new and authentic way of being that embraces all aspects of who you are in an empowered way.
- Break Free from all that has kept you playing small and begin taking action, being bold in your living and experiencing a more fully-expressed version of your life.
1:1 Coaching with Patty
Through your personalized coaching program, I will guide you through my signature system, Unleash Your Bold™. I’ll provide you with tools, including processes and calls to action that organically take you one small step at a time, to a place of remembering, reconnecting and trusting in your own voice. We’ll go deep and we’ll get dirty, but that’s the business of building a solid foundation. More importantly, I’ll be there to support you every single step of the way, the advocate for the woman you were born to be.

Through this system, you will learn how to:
Own your past and take responsibility for your future
Reclaim the power that you have given away to others in the form of blame, shame, guilt and judgment.
Connect to that part of yourself that knows:
- Who you are
- What you want
- How you will create it
Forgive yourself for all of the self-betrayals
Ask powerful questions like “Why Not Me?” and “Why Not Right Now?” Your confidence will skyrocket and you’ll be empowered to cultivate better relationships, create abundance in all its many forms, experience peace of mind, joy, happiness and the Ultimate Freedom, BEING YOU!
Stand up for who you are, what you desire and the fullest expression of your life.